hair$33444$ - translation to ολλανδικά
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hair$33444$ - translation to ολλανδικά

Hair sample; Hair test; Hair testing; Hair samples; Hair tests
  • The image depicts different properties that make up a strand of hair.

n. haar
underarm hair         
  • s2cid=221257760 }}</ref>
Armpit hair; Axillary hair; Pit hair; Pitt hair; Pitt Hair; Pit Hair; Pithair; PitHair; Pitthair; PittHair; Axillary hairs; Underarm hairs; Hirci
haar in de oksel
fair haired         
  • ''Portrait of a Woman'' by [[Bartolomeo Veneto]], traditionally assumed to be [[Lucrezia Borgia]]
  • Sigismund Casimir Vasa]] ({{circa}} 1644), with characteristic blond hair which darkened with time as confirmed by his later effigies.
  • Blonde girl from [[Vanuatu]]
  • First Thursday series]] in [[Canton, Baltimore]], [[Maryland]], United States, in June 2014
  • ''[[Mary Magdalene]]'' ({{circa}} 1480–1487), altarpiece in [[International Gothic]] style by [[Carlo Crivelli]] showing her with long, blond hair
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes]]'' (1953), one of the films in which Monroe portrayed a sexually attractive and naïve "dumb blonde"
  • [[Propaganda in Nazi Germany]] often featured people with blond hair and blue eyes and other "Teutonic" traits, said to embody features of a "[[master race]]".
  • Pamiri]] child in [[Tajikistan]]
  • url-status=live }}</ref> (''Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here'' production still)
  • Uyghur]] girl in Turpan, [[Xinjiang]], China
Peroxide blonde; Platinum blond; Blonde-haired; Blonde; Blonds; Blondism; Blond hair; Blonde hair; Honey blonde; Gold hair; Bleached blonde; Toeheaded; Fair-haired; Fair haired; Fair hair; Flaxen hair; Yellow (hair color); Sandy blond; Sandy blonde; Golden blond; Golden blonde; Dirty blond; Bleached blond; Towheaded; Venetian blond; Venetian blonde; Blond vénitien; Dishwater blond; Dishwater blonde; Ash-blond; Ash-blonde; Ash blonde; Ash blond; Peroxide blond; Pool blond; Strawberry blonde (hair color); Fair-hair; 👱; Honey blond; Dirty blonde; Blonde people; Blond people; Strawberry-blond; Blondes; Light blond; Light blonde; Tow-headed; Platinum blond hair; Platinum blonde hair; 👱🏻; 👱🏼; 👱🏽; 👱🏾; 👱🏿; 👱‍♂️; 👱🏻‍♂️; 👱🏼‍♂️; 👱🏽‍♂️; 👱🏾‍♂️; 👱🏿‍♂️; 👱‍♀️; 👱🏻‍♀️; 👱🏼‍♀️; 👱🏽‍♀️; 👱🏾‍♀️; 👱🏿‍♀️
blond, met blond haar


¦ noun
1. informal, often derogatory a person with long hair, such as a hippy.
2. a cat of a long-haired breed.


Hair analysis

Hair analysis may refer to the chemical analysis of a hair sample, but can also refer to microscopic analysis or comparison. Chemical hair analysis may be considered for retrospective purposes when blood and urine are no longer expected to contain a particular contaminant, typically three months or less.

Its most widely accepted use is in the fields of forensic toxicology and, increasingly, environmental toxicology. Several alternative medicine fields also use various hair analyses for environmental toxicology, but these uses are controversial, evolving, and not standardized.

Microscopic hair analysis has traditionally been used in forensics as well. Analysts examine a number of different characteristics of hairs under a microscope, usually comparing hair taken from a crime scene and hair taken from a suspect. It is still acknowledged as a useful technique for confirming that hairs do not match. But DNA testing of evidence has overturned many convictions that relied on hair analysis. Since 2012, the Department of Justice has conducted a study of cases in which hair analysis testimony was given by its agents, and found that a high proportion of testimony could not be supported by the state of science of hair analysis.